Future us
My name is Simone Maurício Pinto and I'm 17 years old. My school career started at Externato Nial, where I stayed from 3 to 9 years old and finished my 4th year. Then, I chose to go to the Colégio D. Afonso V, where I stayed until the end of the 9th year. At this stage, I started to get curious about Chemistry. When I finished elementary school in private schools, I decided to switch to public education because I thought I had to learn how to be more independent. So I moved to Escola Secundária de Mem Martins, where I chose the area of science and technology.
After finishing high school, I imagine myself taking a degree in biochemistry at Faculdade Nova de Lisboa. I prefer this area because it brings together my favourite areas (biology and chemistry), of course, it is a hard-working degree however, it gives numerous professional opportunities (such as pharmacy, biology), which for me is great since I do not see myself always working in the same area.
Well now I'm 18 years old and I am 3 days away from finishing high school, I still want to go to biochemistry at Faculdade Nova de Lisboa.
I think it's almost impossible to say that we are ready to go to university because we don't know what is going to happen there but I must say that this subject helped me feel more confident about going to college because I am better at oral presentations, research works, and my lab skills improved. I can say that with all of these changes I was able to be more independent and adaptable to new environments.
With this subject I realised that I am not very good at following orders, in teamwork I have more of a profile of a leader, I don't think that is bad but sometimes if things weren't going well and my group didn't have the same hard work and dedication, I caught myself being frustrated. I think I have to train myself to don't make others work, if they don't want to make it, I won't get bad grades, it's not my fault. I do think that my social and working skills are better, I am very proud of myself for the work that I have done and the skills that I have accomplished.
I don’t exactly HAVE the statements I did at the beginning of the year; I recall taking it and storing it, but it is lost anyways to the void of my computer.
To sum it up I described how I was back then and why I joined this initiative. I know the main reason was that I have always felt like I needed people skills, I also described that I am a good listener but most times I don’t listen nor respond, I also described myself as shy and maybe lonely (and lazy).
Now I see that maybe I was immature for thinking I knew myself or what others thought of me. What I can or cannot do, what I thought impossible is easy now, because I tried.
For a self-description now, I believe that I still have those flaws (being shy, lazy...) but I can tell that I know how to offset them much better, I don’t feel like I have grown as a person but I feel different, not the same.
So now that I sit at the top of this hill, I stare at the mountain up ahead and I think this was good training, an amazing experience and the best opportunity I have ever had.
For a phrase to describe me I say
You are the sum of the people you meet, from good or bad you learn from every experience
Where I’m at and Where I’m going My parents decided to name me Duarte a long time ago, now I’m seventeen just finishing Highschool and ready for the exams, had some fun these last years and made it all count, I took a little adventure when signing up for this subjet and I’m grateful for it it opened up a lot of ideas that I’m now able to take foreword, I’m pretty much decided on continuing my education in college studying Mechanical Engeneering because I’m attached to it since I can remember and I see a future with it, lets see how it goes.
My idea is basically the same but I feel much wiser and capable to take it to another level, when I first entered this subject I was exited but I didn’t know what it would end up being in the end, it made me see things in a different way and basically see that learning and educating myself doesn’t have to be the boring way that I hate, during this time I also made up my mind on what to do next in my life, making that decision much easier. Now I think about studying and following my life in other countries for example, people always told me how great it can be and now I’m very comfortable to give it a try and my parents have the means for me to do such thing.
I defenatly think this subject encouraged me to explore outside the box that we have have been teached to live in.
My first project went really bad, althougt I knew all about the insecticides I couldn't present it well, to be realist it was a garbage presentation.
In my second project I was with Simone, André and Duarte and that helped me a lot with my anxiety, even me apresentating went well, I was really happy with that (Simone helped me a lot, she's like the boss, and a really good friend).
On the third project it also went well, but I need to say that Simone worked the hardest and gave her all to the project. I need to say that I did stuff about our work yes, but Simone was not only the nails but the captain of this ship.
In a more personal view, I can defend me saying that i have this list of mental issues but that doesn't erase the fact that I, at most, did like twenty percent of the project. I also started going to the psycologist and I am starting to learn and accept more of the person that I am. I believe that I have grown as a person in this year but i still don't know if it was in the right or in the bad direction.
I hope all the best to everyone that was part of the project CLT in this year.