The Aeroplane
In the first term me (Duarte) and my mate Kalel worked on a project that we called “The Aeroplane”, it was about the amazing world of technology and innovation in the realm of aviation and navigation.
I have some material to present but we lost all of our work at the end of the first term due to the change in the emails used on this discipline.
We did all of the research in our reach and we came up with a timeline of evolutions in this industry from the Mayas idea to mimic the flight of birds to the first design of a mechanical bird by Leonard da Vinci and finally on the first-ever successful flight of a plane by the Wright Brothers.
We also explored the Physics and Chemistry side of aviation we learned and testes many laws of physics and analysed different types of fuels used in aviation due to their different properties and also the difference in aeroplane types and nations all evaluated on their specifications for different types of applications.
We travelled from the beginning of the plane and its rudimentary technology to its use in exploring the world never seen and latter its use on war and the major development during those dark times and now its variety of shapes sizes and usage making it the safest most efficient way to travel the world and now being one of the major technological breakthroughs and the tech-packed human-made vessel it is by far the closest thing to the human dream of flight.