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Casein Plastic

Experiment Report 🧪

Material used: 

  • 1 L of milk; 

  • Vinegar (the amounts change); 

  • Beakers to prepare the milk; 

  • Graduated cylinder for vinegar;                           

  • Induction plate to warm the milk; 

  • Filters to remove the formed product (casein); 

  • Funnels to hold the filters ; 

  • Moulds on which to put the final product;


(This can be made at home too)

The procedure : 

WhatsApp Image 2021-03-18 at

We used 1 L of milk, vinegar, beakers, graduated cylinders, an Induction plate to warm the milk, a thermometer, coffee filters to remove the product ( casein), funnels, moulds to put the final product on and phones to record the experiment. 

We started by measuring and splitting the milk into four equal parts of 250ml each.  


After that, we heated the milk in the beaker (1) to 50º C and measured 5ml of vinegar to add to the milk. 

Not much happened in this first beaker (1) we saw a countable number of flakes in the solution (which is not good), that was the first time we were doing it so we didn’t know how to work with filters and because of that, we broke the first filter. 

We moved to beaker number two (2), warmed up the milk using the same method and added 10ml of vinegar. The results weren't very good,  it was the same as the beaker (1). In this step we also acknowledged a few things, the chemicals although non-toxic didn’t smell all that great, and after removing the casein, the milk became transparent (slightly foggy because of the vinegar). 


In beaker (3) we did the same but instead of using 10ml of vinegar, we used 20 ml we were able to see that the filtering became easier as the amount of vinegar increased (likely because of the larger fluctuation in the pH level) the casein formation also had increased and the resulting liquid was much clearer. 

In the fourth beaker (4) and final experiment, we added 40ml of vinegar and we were astonished at how fast it filtered out, the third one hadn’t finished yet and the fourth one was done. We think that this was the best result. 

After collecting everything we ended up with 12 separated moulded plastic casein emojis (these were the moulds we used) we divided them into groups (3) and (4) (from the experiment beaker number) because they were the higher yield. 

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